Geodesist's Handbook - 2000 - Manuel du Geodesien

Foreword - Avant-Propos, by O. B. Andersen


The International Association of Geodesy :
What is IAG, by K-. P. Schwarz
Geodesy in Hungary, and the relation to IAG - a historic review, by J. Adam
Statutes and By-Laws
Statuts et règlement intérieur
Guy Bomford Prize - Levallois medal
Rules for the IAG Scientific Meetings
IAG Fund, C.C. Tscherning
IAG Young Authors Award, IAG Travel Award.
The XXII'th General Assembly
Presidential address, by K.-P. Schwarz
Levallois Medal laudatio, by H. Moritz
Guy Bomford Prize acceptance, by V. Dehant
Report of the Secretary General, by C. C. Tscherning
Summary of the Birmingham meetings of the Council and Executive Comittee, by O. Andersen
IUGG Resolutions
IAG Resolutions
Structures for the period 1999-2003:
Structure of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
Structure of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG)
IAG Structure
Section I

Section II

Section III

Section IV

Section V

Out of Section

Scientific informations :
Geodetic Reference System 1980, by H. Moritz (FORMULAS MISSING)
Parameters of common relevance of astronomy, geodesy and geodynamics, by E. Groten (SC3)
IAG on the Internet
Geodetic Data Centers
Educational establishments
Geodetic Publications Series
Publications of the International Association of Geodesy
Miscellaneous :
List of IAG National Correspondents by H. Hansen
IAG Directory by H. Hansen