Guy Bomford Prize, Levallois Medal



Rules For The Award Of The

Guy Bomford Prize


The Guy Bomford Prize is awarded by the International Association of Geodesy for outstanding contribution to Geodesy. It was established by the British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics to mark the contributions to geodesy of Brigadier G. Bomford, formerly of the University of Oxford and a Past President of the International Association of Geodesy. It has been inaugurated by the I.A.G. in 1975. The Prize is normally awarded at intervals of fours years on the occasion of the General Assembly of the I.A.G. held concurrently with the General Assembly of the International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics. The following rules for the award of the Guy Bomford Prize may be altered by the I.A.G. Executive if a majority of its voting members sees a necessity to do so.


The Guy Bomford Prize is awarded to a young scientist or to a team young scientists for outstanding theoretical or applied contributions to geodetic studies, particularly in the four year period preceding the General Assembly at which the award is made. Scientists who are under 40 years of age on December, 31, of the year preceding the Assembly at which the award is made, are eligible for the award.


Nominations will be invited by the I.A.G. Bureau from all National Committees of I.U.G.G. member countries at least one year ahead of the General Assembly. Each committee can make one nomination which has not necessarily to be from its own country. The deadline for nominations will normally be six months before the next General Assembly and will be explicitly started in the letter of invitation.

Nominations must be accompanied by:

The full name, address, age, academic and/or professional qualifications and position of the candidates and the name of the National Committee making the nomination.

An outline of the reasons for the nomination including a general summary of the career and scientific achievement of the candidate.

A review of the recent achievements of the candidates which would merit the award, including references to key papers, published, alone or jointly, during the preceding four-year period.

A curriculum vitae, publication list, and copies of up to two key papers which are considered to justify candidature.

The name and address of two referees who could be consulted.

Selection procedure:

A screening committee will be appointed consisting of the presidents of the I.A.G. Sections and two other members to be appointed by the I.A.G. Bureau. Based on the material submitted by the National Committees, each member of the screening committee will rank the nominations and send a short list of three to the I.A.G. Bureau. The decision among the three top ranking candidates will be communicated to all National Committees, and the successfull candidate(s). The Prize may be withheld if, in the opinion of the I.A.G. Bureau, there is no sufficiently qualified candidate.

Presentation of award:

The Prize shall be presented to the successfull candidate at the opening at the opening Plenary Session of the I.A.G. Assembly. He or she shall be invited to deliver a lecture during the course of the I.A.G. Assembly.


Levallois Medal


The Levallois Medal was established by the International Association of Geodesy in 1979 to honour Jean-Jacques Levallois, and to recognize his outstanding contribution to the I.A.G., particularly his long service as Secretary General, 1960-1975.

The award of the Medal will be made in recognition of distinguished service to the Association, and/or to the science of geodesy in general.

The Medal is normally awarded at four year intervals, on the occassion of the General Assemblies of the International Association of Geodesy and International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics; but the award may be omitted if it is considered that there is no candidature of sufficient merit, and an additional award may be made at any time if justified by exceptional circumstances.

A nomination for the award shall be made by an ad hoc committee consisting of the Honorary Presidents and must be confirmed by the I.A.G. Executive Committee. The ad hoc committee shall prepare a citation, suitable for publication, setting out the grounds for the proposed award before the General Assembly.