IUGG resolutions adopted at the XXIIth General Assembly
in Birmingham 1999 and related to Geodesy.
IUGG Resolution 1:
Integrated Global Earth Monitoring Systems (IGEMS)
The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Recognizing that:
1. contemporary science and technology have now made it possible to observe in a sustained fashion (i.e., monitor) geophysical phenomena, processes, and fields across all disciplines and in a truly global and near-real-time (synoptic) fashion (using remote sensing as well as direct sensing) for the first time, making Earth System Science fully feasible;
2. The International Council for Science (ICSU) - together with CEOS (Committee on Earth Observing Satellites), IGFA International Group of
Funding Agencies (for global change research)), IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission), WMO (World Meteorological Organization), UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) - already has a well established Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Services (FAGS), has moved
forward with planning an Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) that links GOOS (Global Terrestrial Observing System), and with analogous initiatives underway in seismology, geodesy, geomagnetics, volcanology, hydrology, and other geophysical disciplines;
3. the IUGG has a well established role in fostering long-term geodetic andgeophysical observations for the benefit of both geophysical research and human society, perhaps most notably through its several Permanent Services;
And noting with concern that:
4. national geodetic and geophysical observing systems are declining in many countries;
Affirms that:
IUGG will continue to play a leading role in the evolution and utilization of an Integrated Global Earth Monitoring Systems (IGEMS)
theme for the benefit of all scientists and societies:
And urges:
governments and international agencies to sustain and improve national and international geodetic and geophysical monitoring systems and promote the free and unrestricted transfer of data.
IUGG Resolution 2:
Protecting the GNSS Radio
Frequency Spectrum
The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Recognizing that:
1. space-base Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as GLONASS, GPS (existing global positions systems), and GALILEO (planned European satellite position system) play a crucial role in all fields of geodesy and geophysics;
2. these elements constitute an essential system for modern society, for example in communication and in navigation of ships, airplanes, and automobiles;
And noting that:
3. the worldwide radiofrequcncy spectrum is regulated through the International Telecommunications Union (IYU), and
4. at the next World Radio Conference (WRC) in April-May 2000, a vote will be taken on a proposal by the mobile satellite ommunication services (MSS) industry to share spectrum in the radio navigation band used for GLONASS, GPS, and other satellite navigation services, which has the potential for undermining the capabilities, utility and future growth of GNSS;
Recommends and urges that:
- the ITU should not make changes to the existing allocations of the radio frequencies for GNSS;
- IUGG Members and Associations work with their national organizations to ensure that the ITU does not allow encroachment into the frequencies used by the GNSS.
IUGG Resolution 3:
Geo-Sciences and Society
The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Recognizing that:
1. IUGG has a well established role and experience in development and application of the geo-sciences;
2. IUGG is committed to serving society by putting its expertise at the disposal of people, institutions and decision makers;
3. Society is facing an unprecedented range of challenges that concern the Earth and its atmosphere, oceans and freshwaters, the extreme hazards of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, floods, droughts, and other geophysical phenomena, and the interactions between human activities and the Earth environment which define sustainable development;
1. to continue its efforts in developing and applying the geo-sciences in the service of society, in particular the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters in continuation of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) program beyond the decade, and considering the problems of magacities;
2. to strengthen its ties with the other disciplines that have a role in dealing with hazards and with sustainable development, to address these matters in a coordinated fashion;
3. to call upon the United Nations, national authorities and international funding bodies to support strongly international and national programs and institutions that develop and apply the geo-sincere, so as to improve our understanding of the geophysical world, and to create the basis for rational and effective decision-making by individuals, institutions and governments.
Resolution 4:
International Monitoring Systemfor the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
1. the valuable contribution that data from the International Monitoring System for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty will have for
geophysical research, earthquake monitoring, assessment of earthquake and tsunami hazards, and education;
2. that the International Monitoring System for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty will include an important global, international seismological network of seismic, hydro-acoustic, infra-sound sensors;
3. that free and open international exchange of data is the cornerstone of science;
And noting that:
4. Article IV Section A.10 of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty states that "The provisions of this Treaty shall not be interpreted as restricting the international exchange of data for scientific purposes";
that open, free, and undelayed access be guaranteed to all raw and processed waveform data from the International Monitoring System for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and be made available from the International Data Centre in Vienna, Austria, to other seismological data centers;
And encourages
the international Monitoring System for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty to join the Federation of Digital Broad-band Seismographic Networks.
IUGG Resolution 5:
Support of the International
Climate and Global Change Programs
The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
the importance and the success of the international climate and global change programs sponsored or co-sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), namely: the World Climate Research Program(WCRP), the International Geosphere Biosphere Program (IGBP) and the International Human Dimensions Program (IHDP);
to continue its commitment to and involvement in these programs, and to call for continuing strong leadership and support of these essential programs, which provide crucial scientific guidance to society into the future of the world's environment.
IUGG Resolution 6:
Invitation of a General Assembly
The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Recognizing:1. the importance of making each General Assembly a scientific success, and
2. the magnitude of the financial implications of an IUGG General Assembly,
1. that organizations inviting IUGG to hold a General Assembly in their country submit their detailed invitation to the IUGG Secretary General no later than 6 months prior to the General Assembly preceding the General Assembly that wish to invite;
2. that this invitation include details of all pertinent conditions relevant to the successful conduct of a large scientific meeting, including: the venue, climate, facilities, human resources and physical infrastructure available, lodging opportunities, transportation links;
And recommends:
3. that the inviting organization take financial responsibility for the General Assembly in cooperation with the Union.
IUGG Resolution 7:
ThanksThe International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Gratefully records its appreciation
for the organization and arrangements made for the XXII General Assembly.
On behalf of all participants, the Council expresses its warm thanks to the U.K. National
Committee for IUGG, to the Royal Society, to the University of Birmingham, to the Local Organizing Committee, to the Program Committee, and to all others involved in making the XXII General Assembly a scientific success and an enjoyable meeting on the campus of the University of Birmingham.