International Association of Geodesy

In order to keep this list up to date please mail entries or corrections to the IAG central bureau (

IAG planned school + courses
IAG school announcements
Non IAG planned schools + cources
Announcement of non IAG schools + cources
Meeting Calendar
Reports from schools and Training cources

Planned IAG supported schools

IGeS Geoid School Cairo, Egypt, 19-24 Jan. 2002
Internat ional Workshop on Satellite Altimetry for Geodesy, Geophysics and Oceanography, September 8-13, 2002, Wuhan, China

IAG schools and training courses.

Related schools and training courses

Announcement of Related schools and training courses

Report from schools and training courses

Geoid School, Malaysia, 2000

IAG Geoid School, 17-19 may, 2000, Sao Pa ulo, Brazil
IAG/ISPR S Int. Summer School on Mobile mapping systems , Rottenmann, Austria, Septem ber 25-29, 2000 Iges schools