IGeS Geoid School
Cairo, Egypt, January 19-24th , 2002
Organized by The Survey Group
Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University
Program School :
1st day:
2nd day:
0800 Course Registration
0830 Opening Ceremony
0930 Tea Break
Lecture 2 Collocation Theory Dr Fernando Sanso
1400 Lecture 3 Continue Dr Fernando Sanso
1530 Tea Break
1730 South East Asia Geodetic Committee Meeting
1930 Dinner by Local Organising Committee
3rd day:
0830 Lecture 3 Global Models Dr. Riccardo Barzaghi
1000 Tea Break
1015 Lecture 3 (Continues)
1200 Lunch
4th day:
0830 Lecture 4 The use of Optimized Stokess Formula
1000 Tea Break
1015 Lecture 4 (Continues)
1200 Lunch
1400 Exercises (with DSMM and UTM Dr. A.H.W Kearsley)
1530 Tea Break
1545 Exercises (Continue)
1700 Day Ends
5th day:
0830 Lecture 5 Terrain Correction Theory
Dr. Rene Forsberg
1000 Tea Break
1015 Lecture 5 (Continues)
1200 Lunch
1430 Exercises (with DSMM and UTM) Dr. Rene Forsberg
1530 Tea Break
6th day:
0830 Lecture 6 The FFT Approach to the Geoid Determination
Dr. Michael Sideris
1000 Tea Break
1015 Lecture 6 (Continues)
1200 Lunch
1400 Exercises (with DSMM and UTM) Dr. Michael Sideris
1600 Closing Ceremony
1745 Course Ends
List of Hotels for the IGeS:
Because the school will be organized after the 3rd International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology which (sponsored by the IAG) will take place in Cairo at the same time as the school, the following list of Hotels has been also negotiated for the school attendee. Please make sure to mention the 3rd International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology when making your reservation as indicated below.
The hotel is about 5 minutes by taxi from the school site, (cost of taxi is about 3US$).
Web Page:
http://www.sonesta.com/Sonesta/Sonweb2.nsf/Site/Properties-Egypt-Egypt-AboutReservation Email:
Single or Double Room: US$ 100 + taxes and service charges
To guarantee the above rates please mention the following with your reservation:
The hotel is about 7-10 minutes by taxi from the conference site, (cost of taxi is about 5US$).
Web Page:
http://www.baronhotels.com/heliopoliscairo.htmReservation Email :
salescai@baronhotels.com or rescai@baronhotels.com
To guarantee the above rates please mention the following with your reservation:
The hotel is about 5 minutes by taxi from the conference site, (cost of taxi is about 2-4US$).
Rates include taxes and service charges
To guarantee the above rates please mention the following with your reservation:
Important Messages:
Please arrange your visa as soon as possible. This can be done through the Egyptian consulate in your home country. Note that most foreigners can get their Visa at the Cairo International Airport for a fee of US$ 15. But please consult the Egyptian consulate in your home country first.· The school takes place during Egypts tourist high season, and flights may be limited. Consequently, it is a good idea to arrange your flights as soon as possible.
. Language : The official language is Arabic, however, English and French are widely spoken .
Shopping : Shops are generally open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., however, they have extended hours during the summer. Khan El Khalili, cairo's famous bazaar, and similar shopping places have more flexible hours. Best shopping times are late morning and early evening. Bargaining is a common practice in all bazaars and can be fun. You may be offered tea or a soft drink, and when the deal is set, everyone will be smiling and happy.
Local Transportation : Taxis and limousines are available at all hotels. Taxis are available at major hotels and usually have fixed rates for certain destinations. The bellman or the hotel information desk may be able to give you a reasonable estimate of the fares. Taxis are generally less expensive, but it is common for them to take in other passengers going the same direction. For the most part, however, they are perfectly reliable and a good bargain. When you hire them, it is best to negotiate the fare in advance.
Local buses are available to all places from the buses stations distributed all over Cairo and other big cities.
Currency and exchange : The Egyptian pound (L.E.) are equal to 100 piastres. Currency notes are in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 L.E. Coins are available in 5, 10, 20, 25, and 50 Piasters. 1 USD equal about 3.5 Egyptian Pounds. There is no mandatory exchange upon entry, however, all Egyptian currency must be accompanied by an official exchange receipt when paying hotel bills. Bank branches are conveniently located at ports of entry, and in all major hotels. .
Climate : Egyptian climate is basically dry and mild. Winters are mild during the day, but can be quite cold at night. Check out the average season temperature at http://www.tourism.egnet.net . Rain is rare and is mainly in the winter.
For more information, Egypts Tourism Net ( http://www.tourism.egnet.net ) provides searchable directories of Egypt's hotels, restaurants, cruise lines, travel agents, transportation companies, tourist attractions, weather, currency and other information.
. Arrangement has been made through Dahab Tours for pre and post symposium tours is now available under the MMS2001 Symposium Venue and Tours page (http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~cmellum/index.htm )
Registration Form
IGeS Geoid School
Cairo, Egypt, January 6-11th , 2001
Organized by The Survey Group
Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Organization: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________________________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________________________________________________
Facsimile: ________________________________________________________________
A) Registration Fee: $350 US (includes Dinners, Lunches, Coffee Breaks, and school Lecture Notes)
B) Hotel Booking (Paradise Hotel "Dar El-Moshah"). Please make your reservation with the other listed hotels directly.
Date of Arrival _________________________ Date of Departure________________________
No. of Days:
Hotel Charge: $60 US x Number of Days =
TOTAL (A+B) = __________________.US$
Method of Payment:
? Cheque Payable to the University of Calgary (IGeS School)
? VISA ? Mastercard
Card No.: ________________________ Name on Card: ________________________
Expiry Date: _______________________ Signature: ____________________________
Fax or Mail to:
Dr. Naser El-Sheimy (IGeS School))
Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary
2500 University Dr., N.W., Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada
Tel : (403) 220 7587, Fax: (403) 284 1980, E-mail: naser@ensu.ucalgary.ca
Local Organizer: Dr.Mohamed El Tokhey
Faculty of Engineering, Public Works Department,
Ain Shams University
Tel: + 202 2840141, Fax: +202 4870371
E-mail: eltoukhy@datum.com.eg