1. Where will the meeting take place?
We thought of two options:
- Mendoza. April 2009, together with the bi-annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Geophysics and Geodesy (AAGG).
- Buenos Aires. September 2009, at the Military Geographic Institute.
2. What is the maximum capacity of the major conference hall?
- Mendoza or Buenos Aires: 500 people
3. Will rooms for smaller meetings be available? If yes, which sizes?
Yes. In both cases there are 5 to 10 smaller rooms (50 m2 each one)
4. Have other geodetic meetings been organized in the same venue? If yes, which ones? How many participants?
- Mendoza: previous AAGG meeting (2002). 100 participants.
- Buenos Aires: the more recent one, “International Symposium Gravity and Geoid in South America”, sponsored by IGFS. 60 participants.
5. Which time period(s) do you propose?
- April in Mendoza
- September in Buenos Aires
6. Who will be the organisation responsible for the meeting?
National Committee of the IUGG (CNUGGI) + Argentina Association of Geophysics and Geodesy (AAGG)
7. Who will be the chairperson of the Local Organizing Committee?
AAGG: Dra. M. Cristina Pacino
CNUGGI: Coronel Ingeniero Alfredo Augusto STHALSCHMIDT
8. Which other organizations will support and sponsor the meeting?
National Universities, CONICET (National Council of Investigation), ANPCyT (National Agency of Promotion of Science and Technology), Provincial and City governments, Professional Councils.
9. Are there any specific aspects of geodesy you would like to emphasize at this meeting?
Tose related to physical geodesy and its vinculation to the determination of altitudes.
(The final decision on the technical program is made by the IAG Executive, but your input would be very much appreciated)
10. Any other information you would like to add?
11. Which registration fees are you planning to charge? Please include a $ 20 IAG fee in this amount. (Although it is difficult to predict these fees accurately, it is expected that the actual fee will not exceed the proposed fee by more than 10%).
U$S 300.-
12. Do you expect major financial or in-kind sponsorship by government and/or industry. If yes, indicate what they might be used for.
Yes. It might be used to support travel of American colleagues.
13. What are the price ranges of hotels within 3 km of the venue? What would be an average price for hotel accommodation (current price)?
The prices of hotels is between U$S 30.- to U$S 200.
A reasonable price for a 4 stars hotel is about U$S 60.- for a single/double room accommodation + breakfast.
14. Is low-cost (student) accommodation available? If yes, at what price? How many rooms?
There is a student residence in Mendoza for less than U$S 10.- per night per person.
There are many cheap hotels in Buenos Aires for less than U$S 20.- per night per person.
15. Can the venue be easily reached by public transportation (bus,tram,subway)?
Yes, in both cases (Mendoza and Buenos Aires).