European Gravimetric (Quasi)Geoid 1997 Available on CD.RØM
Tne European Gravimetric (Quasi)Geoid 1997 (EGG97) is now available on CD-ROM as an IfE/IAG product (IfE:
Institut für Erdmessung, University of Hannover; IAG: International Association of Gcodesy). lt is based on the global
model EGM96, and provides a gridded geoid and quasigeoid solution with 1' x 1.5' and 10' x 15' spatial resolution.
The EGG97 CD-ROM is available
for scientific users, related to IAG, on a cost recovery basis of US $250
and for commercial users for a price of US $ 1500. The extra provenue is intended to support young scientists
from the data contributing countrics for attending meetings organized or sponsored by IAG, within the frame
of the IAG Fund, as well as to partly cover the maintenance costs of EGG97
For orders contact:
IAG Central Bureau, University of Copenhagen, Department of Geophysics, Juliane Maries Vej 30,
DK 2100 Copenhagen Oe, Denmark
Payment must be made prior to shipment of the CD-ROM. Payment can be made as follows:
Check. Please make check payable to:
International Association of Geodesy
Juliane Maries Vej 30
2100 Copenhagen Oe, Denmark
Creditcard: Please draw thc arnount of US s On my credit card account:
_____ _____ _____ _____
Credit card expiration date: ___ ___
Credit card type: MasterCard VISA Eurocard
I authorize you to cbarge my credit card for the payment
Bank: Den Danske Bank
Borups Havc 117
2000 Frederiksberg, Denmaxk
Account name; Int, Association of Geodesy, C.C, Tscheruixig
Account number: 3785 070518