Ole B. Andersen
Every four year the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) publishes its reports for the past four year period, called the "Travaux de lAssociation Internationale de Geodesie".
The "Travaux " is published shortly after the General Assembly of the International association of Geodesy held as a part of the General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) which took place in Birmingham, United Kingdom between the 19th and the 30th of July, 1999.
The Travaux is the complete collection of all the reports of all the bodies constituting the Association. This version of the Travaux contains a total of 25 reports. Each of the 5 sections within the IAG reports on their commissions, services, special commissions, special study groups and working groups. Finally a number out of sections reports are found.
It is an instantaneous picture of the work performed the last four years by a large number of individuals and groups through international corporation under the auspices of the International Association of Geodesy. The "Travaux" is published in a short timetable after the General Assembly, so that scientific information can be disseminated rapidly throughout the geodetic community.
I would like to thank all the contributors who did their best to provide their report at the Birmingham IUGG General Assembly (or shortly after).
During the last four year period the IAG has established a homepage on the Internet ( as an open up-to-date forum for communication. Through this electronic address, all members of the IAG are now able to have almost real time access to all information related to the IAG. An electronic version of the "Travaux" can also be found here.